Eagles’ College applies the national programs given by the Ministry of Education in all the subjects, except for English. Eagles’ College has been recognized as a Bilingual School (Decreet Nr….) this means that about 70% of the subjects are taught in English. This language becomes the means of communication in and outside the classroom.
Eagles’ College counts with an extended hour schedule (JEC) which gives us the opportunity to have 12 hours of English a week as established in our syllabus. In addition, Mathematics, Technology, Computers, Arts, Science, Social studies, and Personal Growth are also taught in English.
The Reading and writing process in English starts in First Grade formally. However, students in Pre Kinder and Kinder are strongly stimulated in these areas which allow us to step on solid ground and move on successfully.
Eagles’ College has a partial immersion program which goes from First through Eighth Grade. This turns our school into the only establishment with these characteristics in the 1st and 15th regions. This system becomes an asset for our students since they acquire English as a second language.
Number of students
Our Educational Project clearly establishes the maximum quantity of students per class. This regulation allows us to better teach the contents to our students develop their abilities and pay much attention to their social, behavioral, emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual needs. Our students are unique individuals and they are recognized as such by the members of our community.
The reduced number of students per class also helps us to work in several ways the same contents to focus on the different leaning styles and dominant multiple intelligences present in these groups. To implement these strategies would be impossible in a different setting.
- Pre school
Pre ToddlerToddlerPre KinderKinder
- Elementary:
From 1st through 4th grades: 20 studentsFrom 5th through 6th grades: 25 students
- Middle School:
From 7th through 8th Grades: 25 students
- High School:
From 9th through 12th Grades: 30 students
Parents’ Participation
Classrooms, in all levels, are open to parents who wish to share their professional experience and at the same time support the teaching of contents with real examples. This type of activity has benefits for both children and their parents, since they actively construct unforgettable memories that directly strengthen the ties between parent and child.